Criminal Records
listing of all characters who have committed a crime

A listing of all reported IC crimes and archived debt and warrant posts. When a character commits their first crime, they will receive their own thread that is titled with their full name, and all incidents are posted separately within.

fulfilling death sentences for extreme infractions

Sin binds you, guilt hoods you, and penalty silences you. The soil is corrupted by death, the wind lost in grief. Tall pillars of wood stand as solemn killers, bruised where rope has chafed and stained where blood has fallen. Doomed prisoners are led by nooses furrowed into their throats like collars, naught but a silent audience to witness their final breath.

The courtyard offers respite from the isolation of cells, open to physical activity and the suspicious gazes of other prisoners. The pit is paved in sand and brick and a balcony lines the upper level for guards to patrol. Though their watch is endless, secrets and plots still manage to brew amongst the restless population as cliques form and enemies are found.

The imprisoned are visited by the free across long wooden tables, the illusion of privacy shattered by a glance toward the overseeing guards. A dark hall illuminated by tantalizing doorways and dim candlelight, the echoing chamber is a moment of relief and reminder of life beyond bars.

Prisoner Housing
Current Occupancy: 0 / 10

Prisoners each receive their own cell where dirt floors overlaid with musty straw await their arrival. Stone beds clad in thick furs warm the shivering occupants at night, craggy walls brightened only by narrow windows that ripple with magic barriers. The door's iron bars are opened during the day, permitting entry of other prisoners or a visit to the rest of the Bastille, but lock firmly in the moonlight with a resounding clang that sounds a little louder every time.

The Bastille

Thread Locked Sticky Faewin Lawbook   Bookmark

thread author: viewed 1,059 times contains 1 post the latest post:
[Mar 14, 2013 19:04:33 GMT -6]
[Mar 14, 2013 19:04:33 GMT -6]
Thread Locked Sticky Active Warrants   Bookmark

thread author: viewed 544 times contains 1 post the latest post:
[Sept 2, 2013 1:11:17 GMT -6]
[Sept 2, 2013 1:11:17 GMT -6]
Thread Locked Sticky Debt Collection   Bookmark

thread author: viewed 297 times contains 1 post the latest post:
[May 8, 2018 9:26:44 GMT -6]
[May 8, 2018 9:26:44 GMT -6]