Vital Links submit your open IC thread here 10 most recently updated statuses: 10 most recently active accounts: Chats & Ads
I. To register, click on "profile" to the bottom right of the cbox.
II. Match your cbox name with your ooc account's display name. III. Alcryst is home to any and all, so please refrain from ignoring or excluding guests and members or forming cliques. IV. No IC soliciation or advertisement. V. It is impolite to pressure someone into posting if it seems to make them uncomfortable. Err on the side of caution whenever unsure. VI. To let someone know you posted for them, please tag them in your thread so they receive proper notification, rather than alerting them each time with the cbox. VII. If you feel ignored, do your best to involve yourself in the conversation. Should you still seem excluded despite your true efforts, message a staff member or use our Grievances board so we can help ensure this doesn't happen again, to you or anyone else. A friendly community is important to us! Don't worry, we will always be discreet and professional. VIII. We are all friends and certainly want to share with one another, but please keep awkward topics to more appropriate areas, like Palaver, an instant messenger, or private messaging, whenever possible. Though there's no black-and-white description, such conversations may be overly personal, particularly dark or depressive, uncomfortably vulgar, clearly one-sided or unappreciated, highly controversial like religion or politics, combative, exclusive, or otherwise cause a sense of tension. IX. If a guest or new member has a question, try to cite sources when answering (such as a link to an official thread) or let a staff member handle it. We don't want incorrect information passed along! X. Should a troll or troublemaker post in the cbox, ignore them and promptly message a staff member so we can ban them. It's key that you don't respond to them! That just feeds the nasty little creatures. XI. Don't ask a staff member to perform a staff task through the cbox. Task requests should be made through Invocation. Feel free to alert staff when you first post a new Invocation thread, though, as they might've missed it. The golden rule is simple:
Treat everyone with the respect you desire. Don't pester, pressure, or push... And treat everyone with a smile. :)
I. You may post any Alcryst-related promotions in the adbox. This includes but is not limited to: plots, roleplay threads, IC or OOC contests/games, occupational services, wanted ads, shop sales, art/code requests/sales, herds, guilds, and anything else that requires other members to participate or view.
II. The adbox may only be used for advertisement. You may not respond in the adbox nor may you discuss its content in the cbox. Feel free to make use of threads and PMs to converse on the topic. III. Advertisements must be posted by the account most logically related to them. For example, a stand sale would be posted by the merchant's account. IV. There is a limit of 1 post per collective advertisement, meaning you have 256 characters to convey your message and may not continue onto a 2nd post. This includes links. Note: you can remove board/thread names from the end of Alcryst URLs and they will still function so long as the ID number is intact. For example, http://alcryst.forums.net/board/1 is a functioning link despite the removal of the board name. V. The adbox shows up to 20 posts. There may only be 1 visible post advertising the same event at a time. Therefore, you may repost the same promotion once your original post expires. You may also delete and repost your advertisement, effectively bumping it to the top, once a week at most. VI. To delete a post, click on the X to the far right of your post. To edit one, hover your cursor over your post and select the "edit" option that appears. Deleted posts disappear immediately without confirmation and are not retrievable. Edited posts say [edited] to the left of their timestamp. VII. Classifieds contains a comprehensive list of what may be advertised as well as additional solicitation options. Live Mural central standard time [follows daylight savings] Season
Winter until ##/##/##
Winter has frosted Alcryst like the cold blush of a corpse, hardening every surface with frigid ice searing through the depths of its heart. The plants are lethargic and slow, the sky is desaturated and dull, and the wind is a violent gale ripping apart flesh and soil alike. Celestials
Suns: None
Moons: Mela & Krym Full Moon
Month Name: ##-## & ##-## Month Name: ##-## & ##-## Map
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The Salutes Member-Made OTM
Winner Name or Details malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Suggest our next OTM category here!
Thread Spotlight
Thread Name Will Go Here malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Suggest a new featured thread here!
New Notes ##/##/####
Welcome to the relaunch of Alcryst! Every system has been polished and inch scoured to ensure the site is sleek, pristine, and ready for our members! To any returning members, it's wonderful to see you again, and to all new members, we cannot wait for you to join our family.
Our Dues
Theme and coding credit to Brady of Alcryst.
Logo and board header images created by Ruanly of DeviantArt.
Concept and content credited to Brady of Alcryst.
Membergroup icons created by Steamfaun & MagpieOnMars of DeviantArt.
All posts, characters, and individual content credited to their corresponding roleplayer.
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